Honestly, I'm just sick and tired of people calling people like Paris Hilton and Britney Spears terrible role models.
To the parents who let their children see these people as role models: what are you thinking?
Who decided that all famous people had to be good role models? I mean, if you want to be a singer, you should admire Britney for her voice. If you want to be a partier/famous sex video star, then look to Paris Hilton.
It's a job. They sing, they entertain, and that's it. It's not under their job description to be posters of how to be a good person in life.
That's also what makes me angry. Parents out there suddenly don't think it's their job anymore to educate their children, that there are bad influences in life. So instead, they let tv and video games educate their children instead, and then complain that their kids aren't growing up the way they want.
No shit, Sherlock.
Frankly, I don't give a damn if Britney shaves her head or if Lindsay Lohan gets caught driving drunk again. And quit the complaining about shooting games or violence in movies. I grew up with Disney until I was in grade school, because my parents kept me away from this stuff until I was mature enough to grasp a semblance of what's right and wrong.
I quite enjoy the fact that all my rants come down to the same thing: that society is made up of incredibly stupid people. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in masses.
Saturday, April 19
On Role Models
Wednesday, April 16
In Love Again
Nothing makes your morning like a Mocha Frappuccino with an extra espresso shot.
Oh, the caffeine and sugar. I think I'm in heaven.
Thursday, April 10
Monday, April 7
How could you possibly find words to describe the countless massacres taking place throughout history, and are still happening now?
Is it even possible to fathom how and why those people did what they did?
Can you even call them humans?
Because by definition, humans have a conscience. And to the point where the conscience no longer exists, who are they but humanoid shells harbouring a sinister existence?
An apology for what your ancestors did is effectually meaningless. What's done, is done. And these bloody scars of pure, unimaginable, inhuman hatred will mar our history forever.
Wednesday, April 2
3 simple words, reguarly incorporated into sentences when they are used separately. But who knew that they could illicit such feelings of dread when strung together?
Work term report.
Oh yes. Writing bs so that it doesn't sound like bs. Oh, and while you're at it, include some numbers so that your report sounds intelligent! That's the essence of it, really.
Not that I hate it, but it just feels like such a waste of time to spend weeks writing up something that I know will be inconsequential. Well, the one bright side of it is that at least I'll learn a bit while I'm doing my research.
Yay for wonderful weather! In early April, the definition of wonderful weather is pretty elastic. Par exemple, it's four degrees out and brilliantly sunny. It's terrific weather to me! And it's supposed to reach double digits this weekend! Wow.
Another note: I hate spammers. Go away, before I hunt you down. Hell hath no fury like my temper. Trust me. My aim might suck, but I throw a damn good punch.
Friday, March 28
Oh sweet, sweet Friday.
And it's five more weeks before school begins again. Five weeks before I trade the limited freedoms that I have now for the ones that I have when I live away from home.
Earth Hour is this Saturday, and I think it's a really good strategy on WWF's part to spread global awareness for the environment and energy efficiency. Much better than those idiotic concerts (which are a collossal waste of energy on the grand scheme of things), anyhow.
But when does awareness turn into action? So we're famous for being able to talk the talk. And by the time we act, won't it be too late?
Perhaps it's a bit cynical, but I'm just being a realist. Governments simply care too much about economical and industrial benefits to give the environment a higher spot in their priorities list. For the trillions that we've spent on wars, we could probably have researched a practical alternative fuels vechicle by now. I'm just saying.
And there's no greater place to see selfishness at work on a grand scale than in politics.
Monday, March 24
Tuesday, March 11
I don't need anger management classes. Living with my mother gives me enough training in controlling my temper.
But let me just say that a ten-minute drive is NOT far, even if it's in the rain. *cue horrified gasp* And even if I get into a car accident, become paralyzed/mutilated/dead, seriously, it'll just be too bad. Because, dear mother, you might as well just keep me in a cage, the way things are going.
%$#@. So much for anger management.
Tuesday, March 4
Snow is beautiful and fun and nice when you don't have to walk in heels, lugging a 10-pound bag, when you can stay inside, under covers, and sip hot chocolate. It's enough of a struggle to wake up in the morning - I really don't need the snow and the cold to remind me of the lovely, warm, comfortable bed.
Saturday, January 12
"He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star"
Unrequited love sucks.
Thursday, January 10
The Worst Criminal
I can't stand how I keep on wasting time. I get home at 6, and all of a sudden it's 9:45 and I have to go to bed soon, so I won't fall asleep tomorrow morning. There's so much that I need to do, let alone the things that I want to do. And here's my reminder for tomorrow:
Audit Things:
- figure out how to get to Yonge/Eglinton for Monday
- read through infobases for IAA
- review stuff from audit session this week
My Things:
- look up when and whether I can go to Africa
- new un-christmasy blog layout
- update posts on I&E
- Buy Kushiel's Avatar
- finish freaking reading the fifth book, dammit!
- write an un-lame, meaningful post (probably full of angry ranting)
I'm weird, I know. And I'm sure you know too.
Tuesday, January 8
Hear My Plea
Please, stop me from watching one chick flick after another, picking chapters of a book because they're particularly lovey-dovey, and putting up with horrendously written fanfiction simply because the fluff makes me feel fuzzy inside.
I swear there's something wrong with me, because I KNOW that I have better things to do and this gross girly side of me is getting out of control. Fix me. Please.
Sunday, January 6
Family Studies 101
I am so very proud of my newly learned ability to hem my own pants - AND I haven't hurt myself with the needle!
Clearly I rock xD. Next maybe I'll learn how to sew on buttons!
Saturday, January 5
Hmm. Is it bad that I no longer consider "ass" as a swear word? It's so silly when they sensor songs by either blocking words out, or changing them.
I heart the shiny laptop I got for work.