Wednesday, April 2


3 simple words, reguarly incorporated into sentences when they are used separately. But who knew that they could illicit such feelings of dread when strung together?

Work term report.

Oh yes. Writing bs so that it doesn't sound like bs. Oh, and while you're at it, include some numbers so that your report sounds intelligent! That's the essence of it, really.

Not that I hate it, but it just feels like such a waste of time to spend weeks writing up something that I know will be inconsequential. Well, the one bright side of it is that at least I'll learn a bit while I'm doing my research.

Yay for wonderful weather! In early April, the definition of wonderful weather is pretty elastic. Par exemple, it's four degrees out and brilliantly sunny. It's terrific weather to me! And it's supposed to reach double digits this weekend! Wow.

Another note: I hate spammers. Go away, before I hunt you down. Hell hath no fury like my temper. Trust me. My aim might suck, but I throw a damn good punch.

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