Thursday, January 10

The Worst Criminal

I can't stand how I keep on wasting time. I get home at 6, and all of a sudden it's 9:45 and I have to go to bed soon, so I won't fall asleep tomorrow morning. There's so much that I need to do, let alone the things that I want to do. And here's my reminder for tomorrow:

Audit Things:
- figure out how to get to Yonge/Eglinton for Monday
- read through infobases for IAA
- review stuff from audit session this week

My Things:
- look up when and whether I can go to Africa
- new un-christmasy blog layout
- update posts on I&E
- Buy Kushiel's Avatar
- finish freaking reading the fifth book, dammit!
- write an un-lame, meaningful post (probably full of angry ranting)

I'm weird, I know. And I'm sure you know too.

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