Monday, October 15

Honestly Now

Do you know what makes me really angry? The fact that caring about global warming is now the thing to do simply because celebs and people like Al Gore SUDDENLY CARE that there's fucking carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that will cause global temperatures to rise, coastal regions to disappear, and thousands of species to be extinct.


I have no idea - wait - no, I do. It's because PEOPLE ARE STUPID. Sure, no one used to care or think about it because there weren't any Live Earth concerts or documentaries - and now they do. By the by, has anyone even thought of how freaking hypocritical those concerts were? How much electricity they wasted, how much pollution the transportation caused? Of course not. Global warming was already a dire issue ten years ago. I know; I made a speech about it when I was in Grade 5.

It's the same thing with the AIDS pandemic. Everyone turned a blind eye, and all of a sudden GAP is caring, and Apple is caring. Now it's cool, hip, and the trendiest thing to do to tote around those red shirts and ipods. It's just another corporate ploy for publicity! Honestly. GROW A BRAIN.

Oh, and Al Gore winning a Nobel peace prize? Don't even get me started about it, but might I remind you that previous Nobel peace prize winners were Mother Theresa, the MSF, and Martin Luther King Jr.?

Mother Theresa. Al Gore. My God, just the thought of it makes me want to gouge my eyes out in frustration.

And politicians don't bring peace, they bring war.

Thursday, October 11

Thoughts to Ponder

Who decided that Asia would be on the "East", and that the Americas along with Europe would be the "West"?

The world is round, after all. So who was the one who decided to lay the continents the way they are now on a map?

On the other hand, interview results come out tomorrow. *frets* Along with the midterm for Intermediate Financial Accounting. Oh so much fun.

Saturday, October 6

The Book Geek

I bought a couple of books from Chapters and Costco today. Nothing makes me happy like buying new books! Well, that's kind of an exaggeration, but it was pretty funny when my brother looked at me as if I had mental problems (which I do, you know) and declared me the biggest nerd he's ever known.

Is it sad that I'm proud?

We're having sushi tonight! I'm excited. It's funny because the only turkey we're having this weekend is in the form of cold cuts.

I stocked up on so much food to bring back to Waterloo. Excellent.

Friday, October 5

Guilty as Charged

I know. It's terrible, but sometimes I dread going home simply because my brother starts acting like an ass, and then a shouting match ensues, and it's just not all that great for the whole happy family in harmony thing. Nor for the remaining shards of my sanity, either.

It's just so frustrating sometimes, but I guess I'm keeping optimistic that in a couple of years he'll stop having his random jerk moments. I love my brother, I really do - which makes me even more upset.

Wednesday, October 3

Disney Wisdom 101

"More to see
Than can ever be seen
More to do
Than can ever be done"

It's true, though. I constantly wish that I could have more time, but I just need to manage my time better. If only I had 48 hours in a day.